What Are The 8 Root Causes Of Weight Gain?

What we've realized after asking hundreds of patients what they think the root cause of their weight gain may be, we have found out that they have no idea. Most of the time, we hear things like they are overeating and moving too little. Don't we all wish it was that simple! The truth is there are eight root causes of weight gain. So let's expose the eight root causes of weight gain so we can show you precisely what to do about them, so weight loss efforts and goals become permanent.


Candida is a yeast and a fungus found in the gut lining of the body. A little is okay, but an overgrowth can cause serious health issues that keep those extra pounds on that never seem to come off.


Half the U.S. population suffers from JFH Syndrome. That’s the “Just Feel Horrible” Syndrome. It’s not really a syndrome, but sometimes it’s annoying little symptoms such as achy joints or muscles, brain fog, fatigue, headaches, and unexplained weight gain that keeps you feeling down and out. Toxicity could cause most of these ailments, and detoxification could be the solution, especially for weight gain.


The thyroid has a big job. The hormones it secretes help maintain a healthy heart rate, keep healthy skin, and play a crucial role in your metabolism. When the gland is sluggish due to candida, as we just discussed, it can rob you of your energy, dry out your skin, and make your joints ache. Those are all undesirable symptoms, but we’re specifically talking about how it can cause dramatic weight gain.

Hunger Hormones

When we mention hormones in this program, we are not talking about progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen. Although they play a role in weight gain, ghrelin, leptin, adiponectin, insulin, and cortisol hormones are the missing link when achieving permanent weight loss. These hormones give us feedback on feelings like fullness, appetite, energy balance, and fat storage.


Research suggests an association between sleep restriction and negative changes in metabolism. In adults, sleeping 4 hours a night, compared to 8-10 hours a night, appears to increase hunger and appetite, particularly for calorie-dense foods high in carbohydrates.


Experts have agreed that stress management is a critical part of weight loss regimens, particularly for those with a busy life with jobs, families, and other responsibilities. Another overlooked aspect of stress and weight loss is not just emotional stress but oxidative stress as well. Fat storage expands when the body gets inflamed, so we address the stress inflammation response in our program.

Brain-Based Food Cravings

When we think of food cravings, we believe they come from a simple desire to eat that specific food. Mostly, it signals a deficiency, whether nutritional or an imbalance in the body or brain chemistry.

Food Management

You will see just how easy it can be to get your clean eating on track. Whether you want to lose a few pounds or get back to your ideal weight, eating proper portions is as essential as eating the right foods.

Tired of Gimmick Diets?

At Canyon Chiropractic, we provide the Blueprint to Weight Loss Program to help patients lose weight and become healthy through real lifestyle changes. Call now to get started on your weight loss journey!

How Blueprint To Weight loss Works

To lose weight and gain health, you must address the root cause of your weight gain and have the proper accountability and support. Let us show you how Blueprint to weight loss provides both. Forget the addictive weight loss medications, risky surgeries, and fad diets. Blueprint to Weight Loss has the answer! When everything else fails, Blueprint works!

Throughout our program, we will teach your mind and body how to burn fat instead of sugar, eliminate cravings, and lower stress while increasing energy. We will also be here to support you through your journey by giving you a lifetime program to be sure that the weight stays off and all the additional online assistance you need, which is all doctor-supervised.

Patient in Weight Loss Program in San Ramon

Our three phases of care approach will address Candida, Toxicity, Thyroid, Hunger Hormones, Sleep, Stress, Brain-Based Food Cravings, and Food Management. These are the eight culprits of weight gain that are never addressed synergistically, not just to lose weight but to keep it off. We understand this seems like a lot of things to address, but it really is a simple solution when you utilize our Blueprint to weight loss nutrition kit, which includes the proper supplementation to address each of these eight root causes, our handbook, and active workbook.

Schedule an appointment with Canyon Chiropractic to begin this fantastic program. Please print and fill out this form before coming to our clinic for a more effortless check-in. DOWNLOAD NOW



Includes Consultation, Examination, X-Rays (if needed), Report of Findings, and First Adjustment.